Saturday, July 22, 2023

Infinitum: Subject Unknown



'But with each 'reset' she starts to remember more and more and begins to piece together what may be happening to her, with clues pointing to a Professor Aaron Ostergaard (Conleth Hill). As she makes her way to the mysterious Wytness Quantum Research Centre to find a way to stop it, she begins to get glimpses into other worlds and other versions of herself. But each time she seems to be getting closer to an answer she is immediately reset back to the attic she fears, to once more start her journey to learn the truth. As she travels from the city to the hidden research centre in the middle of nowhere, she sees that the world is entirely empty. There is evidence that life was once here, houses, cars and zeppelins hovering above, but everything is boarded up and abandoned. At night however, Jane sees torches and helicopters in the distance and discovers that soldiers are searching for her, adding to her desperation to get to the research centre and look for answers that might send her home. Once inside the centre the laws of time become erratic and Jane sees glimpses of people who are clearly living in another world, but whose actions are having an effect on the one she is trapped in, and those effects are growing worse with every 'reset'.'

'The team—including researchers from ORNL, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, the Technical University of Berlin, Institut Laue-Langevin, Oxford University and Adam Mickiewicz University—tested three entanglement witnesses using a combination of scattering experiments and computational simulations. Entanglement witnesses are techniques that act as data analysis tools to determine which spins cross the threshold between the classical and quantum realms.'



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